Carmen Moreno Álvarez
The time that passed from the eviction of the tenants of this
sixteenth-century palace and the commission to transform the
building into a small hotel and restaurant resulted in an
extremely suggestive and evocative intermediate landscape;
somewhere between a ruin and a void, between existing conditions
and archaeology, a window open onto history in which the marks of
events and of our time are superimposed, like a palimpsest. It is
an atlas of different undocumented materials, which registers the
memories of the inhabitants and the history of the construction of
the house and its transformations.
The intermediate house is a place waiting for something to happen.
An intervened space without intervention. It is the frozen memory
of a place that at this moment is not inhabited.
Containing the past, present and future simultaneously as a way to
retain in memory this place and its origin.
Intermediate House
Carmen Moreno Álvarez
Pablo Fernández Carpintero, Juan Moreno Romero, María Zurita
Elizalde, Carmen Álvarez Vílchez, estudiantes de arquitectura.
Ingeniería Industrial: Ábaco Ingenieros
Carmen Moreno Álvarez